Monday, November 24, 2014

Marble for Your Home: Fusing it into Your Décor

Marble is a great way to add elegance and class to just about any room in your home. One of the best ways to do this is with a marble bathroom vanity. St Paul residents love these types of bathroom vanities because it’s a great way to add a feeling of luxury to your home without overdoing it. Here are a few ways to choose a great marble bathroom vanity for your home.

Think about your bathroom and its color scheme. Make sure that, when you are choosing the stone you want your marble bathroom vanity made out of, that the color or pattern of the marble matches with the rest of your bathroom. Take a look at the marble’s veining and try to match that with one or two colors you are already using in your bathroom. This will help give it a more cohesive look and feel. A neutral shade like black or white marble would go great with more vibrant shades on your wall. 

You can further enhance the look of your new marble bathroom vanity by selecting accessories that will bring out the marble’s colors and patterns. A new faucet for your marble bathroom vanity can help complete the overall luxurious look and feel if you choose one that has smooth lines and is a brushed stainless steel or even bronze.

Other accessories could be everything from new towel racks to a new toothbrush holder. Make sure they match the marble bathroom vanity and faucet. Try to stick with the same metal throughout too. Instead of going with the standard square mirror, try an oval mirror. An oval mirror is a great way to complement your new marble bathroom vanity and accessories. It’s a great way to think outside of the box when it comes to decorating your bathroom, but it’s not so over the top that it will detract from your new bathroom’s look.

Be sure you hire a professional, like the ones here at Universal Stone, to install your new marble bathroom vanity. This is definitely not a do-it-yourself project! Marble is a beautiful stone and it takes a lot of skill and know-how to make sure it is properly installed.

Are you interested in learning more about how to have a new marble bathroom vanity installed in your St Paul home? Call Universal Stone at 952-746-4690, or you can contact us for a Free Quote.